Wicker Park Guide

Wicker Park Guide

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This neighborhood has a celebrated association with the latest in trends thanks to many of the established shops and some new ones that will catch your eye. From Reckless Records and Myopic Books to the vintage boutique of Kokorokoko and much, much more, the vibrant energy of this area highlights the Wicker Park guide that will help residents and tourist experience the most out of this region of the city.

Asrai Garden: There are many things to choose from in this garden starting with the flowers, candles, and soaps progressing to the artisanal housewares that you can find at the Elizabeth Kitchen’s floral shop. Hand-sewn art, faux taxidermy busts, and so much more in this area.

wicker park guide

Carriage House: The same people who created the Bedford Cocktail Lounge out of a former bank vault bring you this remarkable southern-ish restoration. It’s heavy on the sweet corn and fried green tomatoes and you’ll love it.

Emporium Arcade Bar: You can find all of your favorite arcade games from the celebrated Space Invaders from 1978 to Street Fighter II released in 1992. This video arcade features electronic memorabilia that appeals to nearly every generation.

Kokorokoko: This vintage shop boasts JanSport fanny packs and pogs and so much more. Sasha Hodges and Ross Kelly who own this shop offer plenty of space for their stock. You can find wild street ware from Body Glove, ocean pacific, and Cross Colors that will take you back and out onto the street.

Labrabbit Optics: Optician Coyote Degroot’s eyewear studio offers contemporary frames and vintage ones that have never been worn that are from the early 20th century.

Monique Meloche Gallery: Opened in 2001 with the celebrated works of Joel Ross, this gallery offers more of Ross and so much more thanks to the added space. You can find so much more in the gallery.

Quimby’s Bookstore: If you love rare comics and handmade zines, then this indie bookstore is for you. Founded in 1991, Quimby’s offers thousands of titles of all sorts and still surprises after all of these years.

The Savoy: A nautical themed seafood restaurant offers a raw bar in the front and a party boat in the back of the establishment complete with a 1920s lounge and smoking patio. You can enjoy up to 14 signature cocktails along with great specialty ciders and beers in this remarkable location that is a highlight of the Wicker Park Guide.

wicker park guide the savory

In addition to the establishments are three art events that you must see. The Coyote Art Festival that features over 100 sculptors, painters, and other artists can be found in the Flat Iron Building in the month of September. You can enjoy great performance art at the Out of Sight Chicago and the Jackson Junge Gallery hosts street artists in the month of October that make the Wicker Park guide so special.  What is your favorite place to visit when you are in Wicker Park?


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