Become a Top Agent

Become a Top Agent

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Becoming the top agent in any brokerage is every real estate professionals dream.  It is not necessarily about working harder, but working smarter.  Real estate is extremely competitive and you need to have an edge.  Here are the 5 top tips for taking it to the next level and possibly becoming the top agent in your office.

Dress for Success

women suit

It is sad that the world judges us by our appearance but it is the absolute truth so you should wrap the package.  If you want to be taken seriously in many circles, you need to dress the part.  When you are the best dressed person in the room, people gravitate towards you and want to network with you.  You can never go wrong with a black suit and a solid collared shirt and tie or a solid colored blouse.  My favorite colors for inserts are white, blue, and pink.  You can always dress down if you need to if you are in a suit by taking off the jacket but you can’t always dress up if you are out with jeans and a t-shirt.


Blogging is a great way to gain credibility especially if you are newer.  The most important part of this is be consistent.  You do not want to blog every day for one week and then fall off of the face of the earth for a month.  Start once every week or two weeks.  If you get good at it or enjoy it, blog more frequently.  This will establish you as a thought leader.  It will also help raise your websites google ranking which is extremely important for new clients.  The National Association of Realtors reports that over 82% of all home buyers begin their search online.

Guarantee a result


What do you guarantee?  You should guarantee a result for your clients and it should be on all your marketing materials.  You should even offer to pay the client money if you are unable to help them.  Almost no one will demand money from you if you were genuine and tried your hardest to help them.  Very few agents guarantee anything and this will differentiate you.

Have an extensive LinkedIn network

Linkedin is the facebook for professionals.  Some people rank higher on google for their LinkedIn profile than their own website.  If someone finds you on LinkedIn through google and only sees a handful of connections, it will not look good for them to do business with you.  It is also a phenomenal place to network with professionals in and outside the real estate industry.  You should have a goal to have +500 connections.

Have an investor in your toolbelt

Investors can be extremely beneficial if used correctly.  Investors are not going to be your buyer for the house with the white picket fence but they will be your buyer for the house with mold and foundation issues.  You can also get multiple commissions when they purchase the house with you and when they relist it with you.  Investors are also great for submitting offers on shortsales that need work.  They will stay in the transaction as long as it takes to get an approval since they are not going to move into the house.  Some investors will even handle the shortsale negotiations.

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