Staying Warm this Winter

Staying Warm this Winter

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When it comes to staying warm this winter, there are a number of ways that you can make the most of it by eliminating the cold areas in your home. In fact, you may find that some of the ideas will actually save you money on cold winter nights or at least provide a cozy hot spot for you and your family. Each of the following items is available for purchase and they can work with your heating system or independently to create hot spots in your home. Be aware that these items do use electricity and will increase your utility bill when in use.


If you wear boots, particularly cowboy boots, there is now a simple heater that will keep them warm in between the times you are wearing them. The boot heater works for all types of boots, including galoshes that will keep them warm using a system similar to what you see NFL teams use to keep helmets warm for their players.


While granite countertops are considered the cat’s meow when it comes to a beautiful, long lasting surface, they can also get quite cold on winter days. The solution is a small heating unit that attaches directly to the countertop so that it will effectively heat the surface. The good news is that heated countertop units are easy to install and perfect for staying warm this winter while in the kitchen area. Staying Warm this Winter heated countertops


This is a new and popular item that radiates heat much like traditional vented systems or old fashioned radiators. However, the panels can be set up in any room and provide that extra warm spot you need to cover an otherwise neglected part of the home when it comes to your heating system. Plus, they are easy to set up and in small rooms work wonders in terms of providing heat.

Rug Pad

This is a very simple way to generate a small amount of heat that is perfect for your bare feet. However, it will probably attract the pets in your house that will find a heated rug pad the perfect place to settle in for the night. Staying Warm this Winter heated rugpads


You can even have heated slippers as well which is perfect for those who suffer from having cold feet at night. The slippers are a little expensive and their style may not suit everyone. However, they do work wonders in heating up your feet and they come in handy when you have to get up and night and want something warm to step in.

Toilet Seat

Arguably the most appealing type of heating unit, there are few things that people want to avoid on a brisk, winter night than having to sit on a cold toilet seat. The good news is that the seats also come with a night light which makes them easier to find in the dark. Staying Warm this Winter heated toilet seat When it comes to staying warm this winter, there are so many different devices that will create the cozy, hot spots needed for a more comfortable time. Do you have a favorite way to stay warm in the winter?  Let us know.

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