How to Sell Your House in the Winter

How to Sell Your House in the Winter

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Winter is not an ideal time to sell a house in northern climates but real estate transactions happen every day no matter what the wind chill factor is!  Weather matters less these days since almost all searches for real estate are done online.  And what do people do when they are stuck at home because the weather is too cold to be outside…they surf the web!  So if you are selling a home in the winter, do not fret, there are some tricks to make your home stand out against the competition that will cost you very little money to do.

Keep your walkways and driveway clear

This is common sense.  If a family is looking at homes in the winter they do not want to have to tread through drifts of snow.  Keep your driveway clear so they can pull in and walk to your front door.  Not only that, this will keep people from getting their wet boots all over your wood flooring or carpet.  If a house does not have the walkways cleared, the family may never even look at your house since it looks inaccessible.  If you cannot shovel the driveway whenever it snows, ask a local kid from your neighborhood.  They will be thrilled to earn 10 to 20 bucks every time it snows.

Time your lighting

The good news is that the winter solstice has passed so we will have more daylight now but the bad news is that there is still very little day light during the winter.  If people are looking at homes after work, it will likely be dark outside.  Put your lights on timers so that the house lights up before darkness falls.  Your house will look much more inviting if the house is lit up and feel more like a home for the new buyers.

Circulate the air

Houses are extremely stuffy in the winter since doors and windows are always closed.  The heavy heat dries out the air especially if you do not have a humidifier on your furnace.  Open a few windows a couple hours before the buyers arrive so that you have fresh air in your house.  Just make sure that you give yourself enough time to reheat the house before the buyers arrive.


What do you think, is winter a wise time to sell and do you have any tips to make a house more appealing?

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