When you purchase a home with a mortgage, you don’t plan on missing any payments or plan on what happens if you lose your job or income, but times get tough. When life throws an unexpected circumstance at you, you want to know your options ahead of time. When the time comes that you could be faced with foreclosure, there are some things you can do to help to stop foreclosure. In real estate, there are always options available. It is best however to work side by side with the investor rather than risk losing your home.
On the date that your mortgage is due and you are unable to make the payment, contact the lender or investor right away. You want to make sure that they know why the payment was not sent or why it is going to be late. Most likely, the investor is going to understand and will allow you extra time in order to stop the foreclosure however there are some investors who don’t care so much about what has happened in your life.
One thing that you do not want to do is to wait for them to contact you regarding the payments. If the investor waits to contact you it’s either because the investor has other things going on in their business that they do not notice that the payment was late or they are going to wait to see if you send the payment or just begin the foreclosure process. The thing about investors is that they have to deal with a defaulted customer every day so they will be able to let you know what steps you need to take in order to stop the foreclosure.
One thing that you can do to work with your investor is to look at other assets that you have. If you are able to, liquidate those assets in order to make money to pay the balance on the mortgage. If you let too many payments go at one time, you might find yourself in a bigger hole than you anticipated and therefore you want to be able to pay as many bills at once which are another reason you will want to liquidate assets.
Another option that goes unnoticed is using a line of credit to pay a balance off that is owed on a mortgage. It’s not wise to rob Peter to pay Paul but in a circumstance where your family could lose its home, it would be a wise recommendation to do. All of these steps and tricks can be used to stop foreclosure and keep your hands on your real estate.